Lift Off

Thirteen students in the Exceptional Learners Division Regents math class worked on the project for the last few weeks. Edmans constructed the launcher out of PVC tubing. Students made the rockets from paper. Each rocket was unique to the student. Some were even decorated with pipe cleaners. They also made altitude trackers based on a template in the lesson.
“This was an ambitious task for our students. But the hands on approach leads into our curriculum. Whenever we can offer something that peaks their interest, we do that. The students took pride in their rockets.”
A head of the launch, the class went over the expectations, the need for eye protection, working in groups. Two tracking stations were set up at either ends of the north field at the Myers center (their site) to follow the flight of their rocket and calculate the altitude their rocket achieved. The students and staff collected data based on the flight performance of their rockets that will allow them to analyze their rocket designs, modify or rebuild them, launch again, and calculate the altitude achieved to determine if their changes affected the performance of the rocket. They will be working on a post-flight mission report.
For more information on this lesson and how to build your own Stomp Rocket visit:
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