Orange Unity Day Brings Us Together

Each year WSWHE BOCES students come together for a Unity Day walk, wear orange and talk about bullying. Wearing orange is a way to signify being together against bullying, and united for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. This year, Wednesday, October 19 was the day of celebration.

Orange ribbons, shirts, and jackets were seen on this day. Throughout the week, students spent time educating their peers and themselves about No Place for Hate and talking about bullying statistics. 

Southern Adirondack Education Center celebrated Unity Day with their traditional walk around the track. They collected pantry or hygiene items to be split between the school pantry and WAIT House. They held a contest for “most creative display of orange” by an individual and group. Culinary Arts & Hospitality Program students created treats and food to celebrate the day as well. 

Washington Street TLC celebrated Unity Day with great activities. Students received shirts to celebrate the day and everyone discussed the importance of being kind, accepting others and including all people.

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