Celebrating 221 Graduates in the Skilled Trades

Plumbers, electricians, cosmetologists, landscapers, welders, healthcare providers, heavy equipment operators, chefs, auto technicians… the list goes on. On June 21, 2024 WSWHE BOCES celebrated 221 graduates from the Southern Adirondack Education Center (SAEC) for all of their accomplishments. Students in the trades are helping the world, leaps and bounds, by earning certificates and the education to fulfill jobs far and wide. Local industries are outstanding supporters of our students and programs to help build the workforce.

Power Sports Technology Program student, Maya Wiskoski, sang the National Anthem. 

Student speaker, Mikayla Linehan, from the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Program spoke to the graduating class stating, “without your hard work and dedication we would not be standing here, proudly in our caps and gowns, ready to embark on the next chapter of our lives. This moment is a result of your commitment, responsibility and most importantly, your motivation.”

WSWHE BOCES District Superintendent, Dr. Turina Parker, encouraged the students to believe in themselves, as this may be one of the most important things they can do for themselves. 


“Throughout your journey there have been moments of doubt and uncertainty. Yet, you have preserved. This perseverance is a testament to your belief and your abilities and your determination to succeed,” said Dr. Parker.

The ceremony was live streamed for family and friends who were unable to attend the in-person event. 


For more details about the ceremony and the list of students, see the links below: