High School Equivalency » GED® Exam

GED® Exam

New York State Education Department (NYSED) issues High School Equivalency Diplomas. WSWHE BOCES does not receive or keep transcript records or diplomas.
Here are the directions on how to receive unofficial and official transcripts: High School Equivalency Duplicate Diploma and/or Transcript Requests
Test Details - Learn about the GED® Exam 
To register for a GED account and schedule a NYS High School Equivalency Exam at a location near you, please click here to visit the: GED homepage

If you are looking for a local testing site now, please click here to Find a Test Center in NY
WSWHE BOCES is working to become a testing site for the new GED exam.
What is the GED® Exam?
As of January 1, 2022, New York State began using the GED® Exam to measure high school equivalency and college and career readiness.

The GED® test is made up of 4 subjects, broken into separate exams. You don’t have to take all 4 tests at once - you can space them out however it suits you and go at your own pace. To pass the GED® Exam, examinees must demonstrate a level of achievement similar to that of typical high school seniors.
(For 7 years, NYS used the TASC™ Test, which stands for Test Assessing Secondary Completion.)
Need Accommodations? Go to: https://ged.com/about_test/accommodations/
How do I prepare for the GED® Exam?
If you think you need help to prepare for the test, contact us to discuss our High School Equivalency Preparation program. Call us at 518-581-3555 or email [email protected] for more info.
We are listed as a GED prep center on the GED Website
Future Plans
After you pass the test, we have other resources to help you with your future. If you choose to continue on with your learning and attend classes such as those offered by our Employment Training for Adults programs or you want to find a job, we offer many resources to help you