PTECH - Pathways in Technology Early College High School

PTECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High School) is a unique six-year program that gives high school students the experiences, practical skills, qualifications and credentials they need to secure rewarding careers in technology-based industries.
The Southern Adirondack PTECH is a partnership between your high school, WSWHE BOCES, SUNY Adirondack and many local industries. PTECH students are incoming ninth graders who will, in parallel, earn a Regents high school diploma from your high school and an associate degree from SUNY Adirondack at no cost to you or your family.
This program offers two pathways:
if you were unable to attend our on most recent campus information session, linked below is the powerpoint we reviewed with families, please take a look.
Summary of the 6-year PTECH Program
Years 1 & 2: 9th & 10th Grade
Students will participate in after-school activities, summer camps, bridge activities and Project Lead The Way (PLTW)/technology courses.
Students will participate in after-school activities, summer camps, bridge activities and Project Lead The Way (PLTW)/technology courses.
Years 3 & 4: 11th & 12th Grade
Students will spend a half day at their high school and the other half at SUNY Adirondack. Students will finish up their high school degree requirements by the end of year four.
Students will spend a half day at their high school and the other half at SUNY Adirondack. Students will finish up their high school degree requirements by the end of year four.
Years 5 & 6: College
Students will attend SUNY Adirondack to complete their associate degree.
Students will attend SUNY Adirondack to complete their associate degree.
Watch a video about the PTECH program:
HOW TO APPLY - 2 steps
Complete the ONLINE STUDENT application below & then have your counselor fill out the ONLINE counselor form:
1. Student Form:
2. Counselor Form
(Counselor to complete after the student fills out their form above)