Internal Applicants Only » Student Council Advisor

Student Council Advisor

Position: Student Council Advisor
Program: Career and Technical Education ; Exceptional Learners Division
Category: Internal Applicants Only
Position Status: Stipend Position 
$1,594 - Per SABEA Faculty Contract
(Any Advisor position can be shared between two staff members. The stipend is then split evenly with both staff.)
Job Posting Start Date: April 30, 2024
Application Deadline: June 28, 2024
Position Start Date: September 1, 2024-June 30, 2025

As per Faculty Unit Negotiated Agreement; Article 10.8

Organizations must establish an extra-curricular account, elect officers, adopt a constitution or statement of purpose and be authorized by the BOCES. The successful candidate must be actively employed during the period of appointment from September 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.
Log of student activities must be submitted midyear (January) and end of year(June) and be authorized by building principal for payment of stipend.

Under the direction of Principal for CTE Programs and Principal for Special Programs, the Student Council Advisor will organize a governing body of students, which will provide activities supportive of school improvement and leadership for study body governance.
  • Organize student government structure within the school building. 
  • Meet monthly with student Council members to formulate and carry out school wide activities.
  • Plan for and implement Community Service Activities.
  • Collaborate with the Central Treasurer for Youth Activities for maintaining and overseeing the extracurricular accounts associated with Student Council activities.
  • Plan & coordinate joint campus events for ELD & CTE 
  • Establish, maintain and revise a written Constitution and/or Statement of Purpose.
  • Develop, maintain and revise a process for the election of officers on a yearly basis.
  • Elect officers on a yearly basis.
  • Submit midyear (January) and end of year (June) report on club activity to building principals
  • Classroom Teachers
  • Youth Advisors
  • Students
  • Principals

Application Procedure:


Internal Applicants
Please use this link to apply: 2024-2025 Stipend Application
Questions about this position, please contact Office of Personnel/HR
via email at: [email protected]
via phone at: 518-581-3358